Saturday, August 7, 2010

Thoughts about todays news

Actress Mia Farrow is expected to testify next week at the war crimes trial of Charles Taylor, the former president of Liberia who prosecutors allege funded a brutal civil war using blood diamonds.

Writing my thoughts helps me to understand what is going on. Naomi Klein's book, Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism is my most recent source of information. Other sources of information are conspiracy theory types of videos I have watched over the past ten years or so. Linda McQuaig's book, Holding the Bully's Coat, is another source of my education.

What does it matter how a "bloody" war is funded? Except perhaps to catch the criminals who create it and benefit from it.

Currency of all kinds has been used to fund wars which are always "bloody" for many thousands of years. Blackmail and scare tactics are used to start wars too!

What is important is the "creators" and the "planners" of war should be punished for their "war crimes". Wars are also funded by taxpayers, either directly or indirectly in the guise of taxes to improve and enhance citizens lifestyles.

Canadian taxpayers are paying for the Canadian armed forces to support the war in Afghanistan today - or am I not seeing things clearly here. Call it what you like - if soldiers are involved, the citizens of country they defend are paying for their weapons with their hard earned money and their lives.

Was Charles Taylor acting on the advice of Milton Friedman's Chicago Boys privatize public utilities using the "shock doctrine?"

If Naomi Klein investigated these so called war crimes in Liberia, is it possible that she would reveal that the same instigators that deceived and devastated the governments of Chile, Argentina, Russia, and other countries were none other than Friedman's favoured economic students who were nothing better than criminals?

Does this gang of Friedmanians go unpunished for the millions of human beings who were killed, tortured, forced into abject poverty while they opened trade markets to the rest of the world so a few elite individuals got richer and richer?

And what of the creators of wars that distract citizens while implementing policies and procedures designed to introduce free trade and privatize public utilities and institutions all for the purpose of profit? The procedures used were, and maybe even are even today, equal to the so called war crimes described at the trial of Charles Taylor.

What is preventing the law enforcers from punishing the Chicago Boys? They are not hard to find - they are very active today on Wall Street and in the US government and likely in governments around the world today.

Follow Naomi Klein and you will discover these criminals are controlling this planet. How integrated they are in Canada, I don't know. Does attendance at the Bilderberg meetings indicate suspicious activity that could result in unfavourable forms of government? If so, then Gordon Campbell and Peter Mansbridge who attended the gathering in Spain this spring should be carefully watched. Anything that is held in secret from the media and the citizens of the world, must be regarded as suspicious and perhaps dangerous.

But what about the necessary secret strategic planning of war - well of course if one is engaging in war that is designed to overtake another, yes secret strategies are necessary. BUT without war there would be no need for secrecy would there?

I know I am naive, but I want human beings to live in peace and harmony. Is it possible? When we read history it would seem not.

But who wrote the history? The people involved in the wars. Is that the majority of people on this planet - perhaps not!

If the majority of people want Peace, then surely we should be able to convince others who are just acting out of fear.

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