Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not a blue tooth wireless - a brain disorder

A new friend who happens to be a care giver for people suffering with ADD and Autism, has confirmed that my laughing neighbour is autistic.

After my experience with David Deng, an autistic man in in late teens or early twenties, I am more and more conscious of the folks - can't remember writing about that (memory is also diminishing)

Jo-Ann is a teaching assistant at Eric Hammer High School in the Special Education Department. She spends every day assisting students with these handicaps.

Interesting that I am attracting this into my life these days - and since I have no clue why, I'll look at it all with an attitude of grateful appreciation for an increased awareness.

I have a sense that I also have a mental handicap that I may have had my whole life but it has only become more exaggerated in my senior years. My typing which used to be very fast and very accurate is becoming less and less accurate - but it is probably the result of dyslexia. I am typing my letters in reverse order.

For example if I just type without thinking - not easy now that I am conscious of doing it, my letters will appear in reversed order - it is not because of poor spelling skills - my spelling and grammar has always been very good.

I will just continue to be grateful for all that comes to me and to enjoy peace on demand from my meditation.

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