Saturday, July 10, 2010

Consciousness and awareness of world affairs

Can I maintain my peace while being aware of world affairs?

I learned that how I view my external world is a reflection of what is going on inside my mind. I teach that to my students and I share that idea with friends.

I have a dilemma - my attention is attracted to the corruption of the super powerful countries and I feel trapped by the thought that by letting go of these thoughts and my awareness of external activities I would be irresponsible.

I do not want my kids, for example, to end up in a world that is controlled by a few greedy power hungry people.

The only way I could justify that for anyone is if those few individuals suddenly turned coat and became benevolent, generous and altruistic.

With the trillions of dollars that they have accumulated from tax payers and indirect sources of the public money, they would begin creating a world where everyone was given equal opportunity to create health and wellness and happiness and all things lovely in their lives.

BUT, that is just an unrealistic dream and desire for all the people on this planet - even the folks who think that power, greed and money make you happy. I wonder if they are happy? Oh to be a fly on their walls.

Speaking of being a fly on the wall here is a Naomi Klein claim that may rock your boat.

Have you noticed at your supermarket that new automatic check out stalls have been installed recently. Yes, they are not new - I remember them from years ago - can't remember where, but where I shop now, the Safeway at Oakridge Centre, they recently installed about 6. When I was with a friend who is employed by London Drugs as a checkout clerk, pointed out that those high tech conveniences put people out jobs, I wondered why I hadn't thought about that.

Naomi writes in Shock Doctrine that prior to 9/11 this kind of technology was already ready to be utilized for many different functions, grocery checkouts being only one. The purpose of these is to put people out of work, or to put it differently, to reduce the work forces in as many locations as possible.

So, I need someone to tell me the benefits of that for the average person. Now if it were to make life easy and pleasurable for average individuals, then how nice would that be - my dream come true.

BUT we all know - or at least some of us do - that the rich people in this world do not give a rat's ass about our pleasure and comfort.

So, please would all the average individuals please stand up and begin protesting?

There may still be time to reverse the tide - reverse the economics from shocking corrupt Freidmanism to what the people really want - true, pure democracy.

OR, is democracy overrated?

What is democracy?

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