Saturday, January 2, 2010

Life Questions


Waiting for my next step in my evolution. Curious yes, worried no. I have become accustomed to the gap between one stage in my life and the next.

I give myself permission to play around with whatever comes to mind - I may tweak web pages; I may read books; I may go out and socialize; or catch up with little projects on hold until just such a time as this.

The material coming to my attention is so fascinating - and it seems to be pouring in - almost too quickly for me to keep up with it - so I make choices - what to read, what to listen to, what to watch, every one of them perfect for the unfolding of what is to be.

Bruce Lipton's new book Spontaneous Evolution is out - about the evolution of beliefs.

I listened to a video interview on Conscious Media Network - he gives the clearest description of the evolution of civilizations from animism to now; lays out the perennial questions of life - where did we come from; how did we get here; how can we make the best of what we know and have?

Interesting how his information ties into the book, Secret Societies and symbolism passed down through the ages; AstroFlash; Jack Whyte's historical fiction books about the Knights Templar and King Arthur.

How this will play out for me - I know not yet.

What feels right is to find ways to contribute to the restoration of our planet to the ways of the civilizations which honored Mother Earth, Father Sky and lived harmoniously with nature.

When we are happy, the cells in our body are happy and harmonious. When we look at how our bodies work, we can see how to create harmony in the world.

It is our belief systems that create the civilization's way of being - there are many folks today putting forth ideas to restore us to honoring nature - and the idea that we are one with spirit and nature.

That may or may not save us from extinction - there has to be a letting go of old institutions that are self serving - and there is so much resistance to that.

Perhaps my website is the perfect "evolving" vehicle to contribute to those ideals.

After all, conscious easy living now is all about that. We must consciously be aware of how we tend our beautiful gardens - our gardens within, and without - to live in peace and harmony.

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